Meet Anna Hewlett

Operations & Marketing Manager

Being the wife of our Director and Founder Lucas, could be seen as a challenging and demanding role - but Anna takes it all in her stride. Like in marriage, their working partnership is full of complimentary strengths that bring a good balance and plenty of laughs to the table. Despite Anna writing this, she has tried to provide an honest and accurate account of her experience and personality to this Q&A article. We hope you enjoy the read!

Anna Hewlett Hewlett Legal

How did your career in law begin?

“In my 20s I worked for Dublin-based law firm Arthur Cox, where I discovered my love of events and marketing. When I finally came home from backpacking I developed these skills at Allens Linklaters for 10+ years. before consulting to small professional service businesses and private clients. Over the years, I have had the privilege to work with many talented CEOs, executives and business owners in diverse industries.”

What is your role?

“My role is to build brand awareness and support opportunities for growth through marketing, sponsorships, events and business development. Recently I have been working on more of the operational strategy to streamline processes, accounts management, and project managing some exciting new business opportunities (soon to be announced!)”

What has been the biggest challenge of your career to date, and how did you overcome it?

“It’s cliché to say but juggling a career and family. You can’t be successful at both at the same time, but you can definitely have both over a lifetime. Becoming a parent is the most selfless thing you can do.  I’m fortunate to have started my career long before I started a family, and I am really happy to have the flexibility to enjoy a combination of both at the moment. We (Lucas and I) both genuinely enjoy spending as much time as I can with our boys, as we know they won’t be young for much longer! Working flexibly for various clients over the years has allowed me to keep learning and stay connected to industries and networks. 

What’s something new you learned about yourself this year?

I can be an early riser.  Despite my best efforts to remain a night owl – the boys and Maggie (our new puppy) have recently made me realise that I can no longer sleep past 5am!


 Travel bucket list

I’m keen to visit more of Australia and discover Kangaroo Island and do a road-trip to Orange. Further afield I’d add Bali, Vietnam and New Zealand.

Favourite food

Nothing beats fresh seafood.


What are you watching 

Handmaids Tale. It’s so gripping! I am 100% team June.


Do you listen to podcasts

Love them!  The Squiz Today, Chat 10 Looks 3, Daily Routines, Books with Bec and Jane, and my latest favourite is How other Dads Dad,


Favourite movie of all time 

“Cocktail” with Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown. It’s got everything – friendship, love, humour and an awesome soundtrack.


Two most used apps on your phone

Instagram and Messenger.


On a day off, what do you do?

Pilates, taking the dog for a walk, playing golf with Hewy or bike riding. Socialising with friends and family fills my cup. I’d love to do more creative activities, like drawing or painting in the future.


If you’d like to get in touch with a sponsorship or marketing query, or a good podcast suggestion, please contact Anna below.

Direct line: (07) 3310 8716
Connect on LinkedIn 

Learn about Anna’s expertise, and discover more about our team At Hewlett Legal.


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